University Economic Development Association

XV Triple Helix International Conference 2017: Call for Papers and Special Sessions!

XV Triple Helix International Conference 2017: Call for Papers and Special Sessions!

This year the15th Triple Helix International Conference is held with the theme of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Design Thinking and the Triple Helix, in the City of Daegu, South Korea.

Introduced in the 2016 Davos Forum, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is now increasingly dominating the discourse and policymaking on technological innovation, as several notable technologies are emerging at the cyber-physical systems blurring techno-human interfaces. Typified by such technologies as artificial intelligence, robotics, IoT, and virtual/augmented reality, the set of revolutionary changes subsumed under the title of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is likely to challenge many existing institutions, policies, and practices including tripartite relations of universities, industries and governments. One of the key challenges is to reform education and training institutions and policies, for which design thinking would play a critical role through creativity problem-solving processes.

This year’s conference program is comprised of thematic roundtables revisiting the Triple Helix institutions in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and special sessions presenting notable cases and methodological innovations in the studies of the Triple Helix as well as regular sessions. Some of the thematic roundtables and special sessions include:

  • Innovation and Design Thinking in the Fourth Industrial Revolution;
  • Higher Education in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution;
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of the University; 
  • Measuring Triple Helix Synergies and Innovations using Scientometric, Technometric, Informetric, Webometric, and Altmetric Data, Chaired by Dr. Leo Kim, Brandon Moore (Assistant Vice President IT Architect at Nationstar Mortgage LLC, U.S.)
  • Corporate Reputation and Innovation Perception: Are Innovating Companies Gaining Enough Attention They Deserve?, Chaired by Jang Hyun Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Online to Offline (O2O) Industry and Innovation, Chaired by Daeho Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
  • The Real World Examples of Innovation Education, organized by Daegu-Gyeongbuk Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
  • Triple Helix Master Class, organized by Prof. Etzkowitz and Dr Chunyan Zhou;
  • Role of Government in Triple Helix in Asia  – organized by Dr. Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat;
  • Global Entrepreneurial University Metrics Initiative (GEUM) – Organized by Prof. Mariza Almeida and Dr Chunyan Zhou;
  • Triple Helix Actors, Governance and the Region – Organized by Dr Liana Kobzeva;
  • Science Parks and Incubators University-Industry Partnerships;  Knowledge and Technology Transfer;  National Innovation Systems and ModelsEntrepreneurial Universities – coordinated by Dr Emanuela Todeva .

There are also plenaries featuring keynote speeches by notable figures such as the President of the Korean Federation of Science & Technology Associations (Dr. Myung-Ja Kim), the President of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (Dr. Sang-Hyuk Sohn), the Triple Helix Association President (Prof. Henry Etzkowitz), and the Vice President of the Malik Institute (Dr. Christiane Gebhardt).

Conference participants will also have a chance to look around the city on the special night tour prepared for the second day of the conference. Nicknamed the Moonlight Night Tour, it is one of the nation’s best city tours showcasing its magnificent nighttime cityscape.

The Call for papers for the upcoming XV Triple Helix International Conference has been extended up until 30th July. If you wish to contribute to the Conference Parallel sessions submit now your abstract online.

We are also open to proposals for new Special sessions in THC 2017. If you have interest in proposing a  special session, you are invited to fill out the form available on the conference web site. Special sessions are a very good opportunity to showcase your latest research, projects and achievements in a really international context!

The Early bird Registration will be open from 15th of June up until 14th July, do not miss the chance to register with the lowest price.

THA members could benefit of an additional discount (10% for individual members and 20% for organizational members) on the Early bird registration fees. To qualify for the discount please send a request by email to Mrs Maria Laura Fornaci (

Stay tuned with the developments of the XV International Triple Helix Conference.

We look forward to meeting you in Daegu!