University Economic Development Association

University Economic Development Association – Body Of Knowledge Committee Seeking Members to Participate

On May 16th, 2012 the UEDA Board of Directors voted to explore the formation of a Body of Knowledge Committee. This is a working title for a committee that is being formed based on member feedback. The committee will focus on activities including but not limited to:

  • Identifying the seminal publications that most define the field of university economic development, both historically and currently
  • Developing a member only resource (website/ database) that catalogs and presents in a user-friendly way, all types of materials and publications dealing with higher education and economic development
  • Identifying the gaps in the existing literature on the relationship between higher education and economic development
  • Potentially engaging thought leaders on their ideas regarding the future of higher education and economic development
  • Publishing content in some format to share with members

These are ideas that have initially been suggested as we have spoken with members. The committee will be chaired by UEDA Board member Jerry Smith, Arkansas State University and staffed by the UEDA Executive Director.

The committees first priority will be to discuss the initial ideas of committee members, develop and agree to a work plan. Before we even get there, we need your participation. If you are interested in serving on the UEDA Body of Knowledge Committee or have questions please notify Rich Overmoyer at or 216-200-8332.