Presidential Ambassadors Program
Become an Ambassador Today!
To provide incentives to UEDA board and general members to help grow UEDA membership and “boost the signal” about UEDA’s work via social media, we will launch the “Presidential Ambassadors” program.
- Presidential Ambassadors will be recognized by the UEDA president during the Annual Summit.
- Ambassadors will also be recognized in a blog post showcasing their institution’s economic engagement work, and the blog post will be highlighted in an issue of the UEDA Intersection email newsletter.
- Presidential Ambassadors will also be recognized on a special program web page on the UEDA website.
To qualify for selection to the Presidential Ambassadors, a UEDA member must:
- Recruit at least one new Organizational Member* to UEDA between February and August, 2021, or add at least two organizations to their own membership to build an Ecosystem Membership.
- Post at least ten messages about UEDA on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter) between February and August, 2021. These messages can be re-shares, re-tweets, or original posts. If original posts, they must include the hashtag #myUEDA. Messages can be from a personal or organizational social media account.
- All members meeting the requirements above will be selected as a UEDA Presidential Ambassador.
*Members should alert UEDA by contacting when they are reaching out to other organizations to recruit them to membership, so that they get “credit” for the new member. This is not necessary in recruiting Ecosystem Membership add-on organizations.
University Economic Development Association