University Economic Development Association


Center for Inclusive Growth and Downtown Crossing: Improving Lives for New Haven Residents

Award Category: DEI
Submitted By: City of New Haven Department of Economic Development
Program Info: Learn More


With a poverty rate over 27%, the partnership places specific emphasis on economic opportunity through a new Center for Inclusive Growth at Yale University. Led by the School of Management, the Center will seek to identify economic and social development initiatives that will bolster growth throughout the community. Yale will contribute $5 million to the work of the center over the next six years. This amount is over and above Yale’s increased voluntary payments. The center’s mission is driven by university, city, and community leaders, who will develop and implement strategies to grow the city economically in a way that benefits all New Haven residents.

The City – Yale partnership is manifest as well in economic development. By way of example, Yale’s $6.0B “For Humanity” campaign includes a focus on technology transfer and innovation. Likewise, Downtown Crossing is a federally, state, and locally funded City of New Haven infrastructure project that tears out the former Route 34 expressway with a system of urban boulevards, reestablishes the urban street grid by reconnecting the city streets, and reclaims 10 acres of public land that had long been unavailable for development. Downtown Crossing provides space for state-of-the-art bioscience buildings, which house established and startup bioscience companies, Yale research labs, and a bioscience incubator. This work is set forth in a 10-year-old “Hill to Downtown Community Plan” which was funded by a federal partnership of USDOT, HUD and EPA.

University Economic Development Association

PO Box 97930
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
216.200.UEDA (8332)