UEDA 2021


September 19 - 22, 2021



Transformation: Forward Thinking in a Changing World


2021 UEDA Summit Speakers

Andy Stoll

Andy Stoll

Senior Program Officer, Entrepreneurship, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Andy Stoll is a senior program officer at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, where he is responsible for the implementation and management of the Foundation’s ecosystem development strategy. Before joining the Kauffman Foundation, Stoll co-founded Seed Here Studio, a social good company specializing in building innovation ecosystems in unexpected places. He is the co-founder of six entrepreneurial-focused organizations, most recently The Startup Champions Network, the nation’s first professional association for full-time innovation ecosystem builders. His past work includes projects with The Case Foundation, The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and The Bohemian Foundation, building innovation ecosystems in technology, global health and music, respectively.

At the Kauffman Foundation, Stoll leads the ecosystem development strategy, most prominently the annual ESHIP Summit, the forthcoming Kauffman Ecosystem Playbook Series and multiple large-scale grant programs to support ecosystem building in communities across the United States.

Stoll is a regular speaker on entrepreneurship and ecosystem building; a global facilitator for Startup Weekend; and has taught entrepreneurship at Cornell College. He earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in business management and a Bachelor of Arts in communication and media production from The University of Iowa, as well as a Master of Arts in media cultures from The City University of Hong Kong.





University Economic Development Association

PO Box 97930
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
216.200.UEDA (8332)