UEDA 2021
September 19 - 22, 2021
COVID-19 Protocols & Commitment to Safety
UEDA is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Savannah as it relates to the Annual Summit being held in one month. As you are well aware, these situations are very fluid. As we approach the Summit, we will work to be transparent with our decisions that commit to holding a safe event. To that end, we will communicate any changes in plans to our broad audience to provide comfort and security in engaging with UEDA.
Currently, the UEDA 2021 Summit will be held in person.
In order to provide a safe experience for all attendees, we are enacting the following requirements and guidelines for the Summit. Naturally, we will follow CDC and local guidelines as it relates to any other considerations that must be made. The items below are our minimum requirements. Attendees should conduct themselves at the Summit in a manner in which they feel best protects them and their fellow attendees, including wearing masks at all times, for example.
Minimum Requirements for Summit Participants
- All Summit participants must be fully vaccinated at the time of the Summit to provide the least opportunity for community spread of COVID-19. Attendees will be asked to present their vaccination card or a photo of it at on-site registration.
- All indoor Summit areas, including exhibit areas, conference rooms, shuttles, etc. will require masks unless actively eating or drinking. All indoor areas of the hotel will be subject to the current local guidelines at the time of the Summit. All outdoor activities will be mask-optional, or subject to the current local guidelines.
- All Summit participants must be in good health and must not have come in contact knowingly with anyone experiencing COVID symptoms. All participants must sign a declaration of good health upon registration at the Summit, and must keep their name badge on them during all Summit activities as a sign of making this declaration.
- All participants must receive a clear temperature reading before attending the first session of EACH day. Temperature readings will be available at the registration/information desk and must be below 100.4-degrees Fahrenheit.
- We ask that individuals maintain adequate distance to the level of comfort. We have expanded the conference rooms to allow for additional physical distancing. Several of the rooms have open-air access during sessions. Our networking receptions are outside (weather permitting) to allow for air flow.
- Summit areas and high-touch points will be sanitized daily by the hotel staff. Please see their current policy here.
Ultimately, we expect all Summit participants to act in a manner of safety and respect. Our community has such important work ahead and we look forward to advancing it together safely by taking these precautions. If you feel you are unable to meet these guidelines as part of your Summit participation, please contact us. Thank you in advance for being a cooperative partner with us in this effort, and for your understanding as we manage the situation’s continuing impacts on the event.
University Economic Development Association
PO Box 97930
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
216.200.UEDA (8332)