Regionalism: Prosperity Through Collaboration
Hotel: Embassy Suites South Bend – 1140 E Angela Blvd, South Bend, IN 46617
Watch this space for detailed agenda information forthcoming!
The UEDA Summit will bring together national experts in leveraging college and university resources for greater economic development and community impact. These domain experts work within higher education, the private sector, economic development organizations, government agencies, and research centers.
Join us in South Bend from October 7 – 9 for networking with your peers, high-quality presentations and engaging discussions focused on leading your organization and driving positive change in your community. Attendees will also have a chance to hear from this year’s Awards of Excellence finalists.
Take a look at South Bend, IN!
Past Summits
Group Rates
We are happy you are considering attending the 2024 UEDA Summit! Please check back soon with hotel and accomodations information.
Examine the cutting-edge practices of colleagues as they compete for Awards of Excellence–you judge the best of the best.
Build a learning network of colleagues to identify opportunities, develop partnerships, and ultimately tailor and apply best practices to their respective communities and organizations.
Share success stories and lessons learned with economic development professionals from centers, organizations, colleges, and universities throughout North America.
Gain the latest strategic insights on the ever-changing and vital roles of colleges and universities in local, regional, national, and international economic development.
University Economic Development Association
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