University Economic Development Association

Ecosystems 2.0

Speakers:  Rachel Brunette, Lemelson Foundation


Join us as guest speaker, Rachel Brunette from the Lemelson Foundation, shares valuable insights.

Colleges and universities play a critical role in entrepreneurial ecosystems. However, many discussions of how to cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs—particularly those with high growth or invention based businesses—fail to acknowledge the importance of institutions that inspire and educate prospective entrepreneurs. The Lemelson Foundation has launched a new project called Ecosystems 2.0 that aims to redefine the concept of an entrepreneurial ecosystem. In partnership with educators, universities, community colleges, investors, government, philanthropy, and others the Foundation has built a draft map of an ecosystem that defines the contributions and roles of all players that contribute to thriving entrepreneurial communities. This interactive session will look at the specific roles that institutions of higher education can play in an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Participants will reflect on their own local ecosystem to help refine the new ecosystem map and discuss how their institution currently contributes to their regional ecosystem and how they might improve their engagement with other ecosystem partners.

October 11 @ 14:45
14:45 — 16:00 (1h 15′)


Rachel Burnette