University Economic Development Association

The Reno Story: A Resurgence Anchored by Collaboration

Speakers: Mridul Gautam, Vice President for Research and Innovation
Grace Chou, Director, University of Nevada, Reno Innovation Center, Powered by Switch
Mike KazmierskiPresident & CEO, Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN)
Kristi OvergaardExecutive Vice President of Awesomeness, Switch
Daniel PriceCEO, Breadware
David WalkerCEO, Nevada Museum of Art

Welcome to Reno, the Biggest Little City in the World! During your visit to Northern Nevada you’ll see signs of its economic resurgence. This is happening in great part because of a new mindset. Deeper, meaningful, action-oriented collaboration needed to happen, and it has.

Worldwide brands such as Tesla, Panasonic, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Switch and Google have chosen to locate business operations in Northern Nevada and, in addition to these headline-grabbing developments, there is an infusion of startups and entrepreneurial ventures. While the traditional, legacy industries remain important, the region has stepped up to the opportunity to develop a more knowledge-intensive and high-tech economic base, and the University of Nevada, Reno is a cornerstone of this economic development. Yet, along with the growth and opportunities comes challenges, from downtown development to housing and other infrastructure demands.
This panel discussion brings together a variety of perspectives. Join us to learn more about how the Reno-Tahoe region is applying innovation, place and talent as it strives for economic resilience.

October 10 @ 10:45
10:45 — 12:00 (1h 15′)
