University Economic Development Association

Lightning Rounds

Lightning Round – Session #1

Speakers: Paul Umbach – Founder and President, Tripp Umbach


Economic Design Thinking is a revolutionary approach for monetizing future economic and societal impact, serving as a catalyst for transforming ideas to action and impact. A simple shift in mentality instantly connects purpose, place, and people making the impossible possible — energizing successful coalitions including private, public, and philanthropic sectors, as well as persons directly impacted by initiatives. This presentation introduces the concept and explores the power of the mindset shift required to move from traditional economic impact assessment to measurable community transformation. Economic design thinking is changing the world for good.

Lightning Round – Session #2

Speakers: Andrew Frazier, CFA – Founder of Small Business Pro University (SBProU)


Small Business Pro University (SBProU) an online, virtual, multi-disciplinary learning center that provides entrepreneurs, business owners, and organizational leaders with access to the world-class expertise, tools, and resources they need to compete effectively in this fast-paced, technology-driven, global business environment; it is the perfect place for busy people to gain critical knowledge at their own pace and on their own schedule; we feature 50+ affordable, multimedia, interactive learning experiences facilitated by 20+ instructors/course contributors and delivered in bite-sized modules that are focused on the specific needs of business owners from start-up to $10 million in revenues. SBProU was founded by Andrew Frazier, MBA, CFA, SBProU Founder.

SBProU serves as the cornerstone of the Entrepreneur Zone (Ezone) program. The EZone program that was developed by Dr. Dale G. Caldwell Professor and Executive Director of the Fairleigh Dickinson University Rothman Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, (FDU Rothman Institute) is based on the fundamental reality that small businesses are the most important drivers of economic independence and neighborhood revitalization in urban communities. Using it strategically in underserved communities supports people who assume the risk of owning a business, help local businesses create jobs and leverages funds to significantly improve the quality of life in the target area. The most successful programs help business leaders get the training that they need to grow their business.

Since its inception, SBProU has been able to create a solid slate of program offerings and enroll it first cohort of students.


October 10 @ 10:45
10:45 — 12:00 (1h 15′)
