University Economic Development Association

Concurrent Session – MIT VMS: A Model for Mentoring Entrepreneurs

Speakers: David Hensley – Iowa JPEC Executive Director and Clinical Professor in Management & Entrepreneurship, University of Iowa
Luis Martinez – Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Trinity University
Jerome Smith – Co-Director, MIT Venture Mentoring Service

Building an effective, sustainable business mentoring program can be a powerful way to enhance a community’s economic prosperity — harnessing volunteer mentors’ knowledge and expertise to develop mentees’ entrepreneurial human capital, support innovation, and increase the probability of venture success and economic benefits.

The MIT Venture Mentoring Service is widely recognized for its leadership and excellence in entrepreneurship mentoring. This panel will explore the core tenets of the MIT VMS Team Mentoring Model and present concrete case histories of higher education organizations who have adopted the Model.

October 11 @ 08:15
08:15 — 09:15 (1h)
