University Economic Development Association

Concurrent Session – It Takes More than a Village: Statewide Strategies to Leverage Higher Education for Economic Transformation

Speakers: Rebecca Robinson (moderator) – Chief Corporate Engagement & Economic Development Officer
Kansas State University
Kent Glasscock – President and CEO, K-State Innovation Partners
Trent Armbrust – Chief Strategy Officer, Kansas Department of Commerce
Blake Flanders – President and CEO, Kansas Board of Regents
Tonya Witherspoon – Associate Vice President, Industry Engagement & Applied Learning, Wichita State University


In 2008, Kansas was leading in terms of economic growth, but in recent years has slipped, and by 2018, ranked 43rd in employment growth. Recognizing the decline, leaders developed plans to reverse this trend through partnerships with higher education institutions. The state has already seen significant improvement and is one of three top states reporting higher employment in rural communities. This session will feature the Kansas Department of Commerce, the Kansas Board of Regents, Kansas State University and Wichita State University and will highlight how universities and state partners can develop shared strategies for economic prosperity.

October 11 @ 14:45
14:45 — 16:00 (1h 15′)
