University Economic Development Association

Closing the Skills Gap to Outperform Robots

Speakers: Saleha Khumawala, University of Houston
Charles Becker. University of Houston


Join us as guest speakers, Saleha KhumawalaProfessor of Accounting and Founding Director, SURE Program and Charles Becker, SURE Program, Assistant Director at the University of Houston, shares their insights.

Students face an existential challenge in many of the industries they are entering: that of differentiating themselves properly in the face of automation and artificial intelligence. Many stakeholders of today’s institutions of higher learning lack access to resources and services that, tragically, those institutions themselves are leading experts at providing. There is a widening gap between the needs of the workforce and what students are being trained to do. Dr. Saleha Khumawala, of the University of Houston SURE™ Program discusses how using design thinking to bring these stakeholders together in the SURE Program provides a model toward solving each’s problems.

October 10 @ 10:45
10:45 — 12:00 (1h 15′)

Mt. Rose

Saleha Khumawala – Professor of Accounting and Founding Director of SURE