University Economic Development Association

Affinity Network Launch: Place

Speakers: Dominique Halaby, Director, Business Innovation Group, Georgia Southern University

Join us as Dominique Halaby, Director, Business Innovation Group, Georgia Southern University, shares his valuable insights.


Deeply committed to facilitating peer learning and collaboration, UEDA strives to serve as a catalyzer to advance the professional practice of our members and the intuitions they serve. Consequently, UEDA is adding a new way for members to connect, share, learn and create. At our 2019 Summit, we are designing and launching member networks based upon the themes of Talent, Innovation, and Place – the core competencies identified in the UEDA/APLU Foundations of Practice ( These three networks, each curated by the theme of talent development, place-making strategies or fueling innovation, will enable UEDA members to:


Discuss with others key ideas, issues and opportunities in each topic of Talent, Innovation, and Place

Establish professional development opportunities

Build a sustained community of practice

Create resources that can be shared


Members can participate in more than one network if so desired. Virtual convenings will be conveniently scheduled to allow participation in all three and a platform for information sharing and archiving will be established.

September 30 @ 08:15
08:15 — 09:00 (45′)

Mt. Rose