University Economic Development Association


Get full access to UEDA’s network and resources to help establish your institution of higher education as a driver of economic development in your community.

It's That Time of Year Again!

The 2024 UEDA Awards of Excellence has launched! Leading initiatives from across North America compete in a six-month process, including application, peer review, online presentations, and, ultimately, selection by attendees of the annual UEDA Summit as category leaders.

Visit the Awards of Excellence page for more information and submit a nomination today!

The University Economic Development Association is for economic development professionals who seek to connect with innovation ecosystem builder partners such as universities, community colleges, and other practitioners to learn best practices, gain recognition for their work, and better communicate their organization’s vital impact in building an inclusive economic ecosystem for their community. 

UEDA’s mission is to empower inclusive economic ecosystems through knowledge and best practices in the realms of talent, innovation, and place.

UEDA members represent those on the cutting-edge of modern economic development. The 21st-century economy has evolved into an entity that behaves much differently from its predecessors. Attracting established industry into your town is no longer a reliable route to prosperity.

Success in our modern economy is about innovation and entrepreneurship. It is about fostering talent in young people from preschool through life to embolden them to think and create outside the traditional academic or professional requirements. It is about creating environments that attract those people who want to make and do things in new ways and retains that talent  to start the process over again in the next generation.

Never before have academia, the private sector, and economic stakeholders been so reliant on one another to create economic opportunity. UEDA members work together to expand economic opportunity in their communities and regions by leveraging talent, innovation and place, and recognizing the interconnectedness of each of these elements.

UEDA’s focus on talent, our economy’s human capital, encourages higher education to take a more cradle-to-grave approach in identifying and fostering students at all levels so they grow to be contributors to and leaders of further economic growth.



UEDA members are committed to encouraging innovation, creative problem solving, and entrepreneurship to encourage similar economic opportunities in their communities.



UEDA encourages institutions to be active members and contribute to vibrant communities where people want to live and work to lay a strong foundation for ongoing economic success.


UEDA Headlines

UEDA Talent Network Webinar Featuring Michigan State University   Presentation Slide Deck The Talent Network was joined by Lori Fischer, Senior Fellow & Director of Operations at the Michigan State University Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, who spoke about...

UEDA Place Network Webinar Featuring Heartland Forward

Download Heartland Forward's Presentation Slide Deck The Place Network was joined by three special guests from Heartland Forward who presented insights from their recent new Place-Based Economic Development Toolkit and four case studies on the utilization of unique...

UEDA Innovation Network Webinar Features TitletownTech   The Innovation Network was joined by Craig Dickman, Managing Director at TitletownTech. An inventor with multiple patents, Craig presented TitletownTech's origins, current investments, and projects, including collaborating with the...

University Economic Development Association

PO Box 12546
Arlington, VA 22219